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Pierre Bidaud is a skilled stonemason and entrepreneur promoting the use of natural stone for load bearing structures. He is the co founder of the Structural Stone Company, part of the Stonemasonry Company which is based in London. With his company, he is proving that natural stone is still one of the most versatile, sustainable and beautiful materials available to humans.
Natalia Petkova is an HMONP architect who graduated from the University of Cambridge and the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences. She has worked in various agencies in Paris and London and taught research and projects at ENSA Paris-Malaquais, ENSA Paris-Belleville and EAVT Paris Est.
“McCarthy transformed the entry into an elegant elliptical shape, while replacing the staircase with one that has a more graceful sweep and a balustrade that plays off the marble floor he designed in a “sort of Renaissance spirit, with the geometries blown up to make it much more modern,” he explains…”
Alicia Kearns MP recently met with Pierre and Emily at The Stonemasonry Company in Ketton to learn more about the process involved in making natural stone structures and the incredible level of craftmanship that is involved.